University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Student Intern

April - June 2023 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Working with parents and families

What I wish was different

More hands-on, less clerical


Good growth in the Alumni Center
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Government Affairs Research Intern

June - August 2023 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I felt like apart of the team, I gave progress reports during meetings and got to help with important tasks

What I wish was different


Be open to meeting new people!
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Operation team

January - June 2022 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I like this job a lot cause I get to work as a team and collaborate with others

What I wish was different

Making more friends there


It’s a great job as a student. Come here and make some friends
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May 2023 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I absolutely loved the team and how much they cared about its members and their well-being!

What I wish was different

I honestly have no wishes for how it could have been different as all of my team leaders that I worked with did an excellent job with time management, organization, and team building.


Know that it’s okay if don’t know what you’re doing at first. Always ask question, Dona little research yourself if you’re unsure, and ask for help!
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Peer Counselor

August 2020 - June 2021 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Having the opportunity to work with Black and Brown students at UCLA.

What I wish was different

That’s we were in person, but the job was conducted over Zoom due to COVID.


A great way to prepare you for life skills and future opportunities in the work force.
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Project Director

September 2021 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I like the factor that I am able to contribute my ideas and that I have projects to work on

What I wish was different

The pay


Be prepared to be flexible with your responsibilities
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May 2021 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Great community

What I wish was different

More in-person interaction


Don't be afraid to ask questions!
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New Student Advisor

March 2021 • Westwood, CA

What I liked

I loved working with students and providing them with the tools and necessities that they would need to strive as a UCLA student.

What I wish was different

Definitely the scenery! As an NSA throughout the summer, my work was all conducted via zoom. The experience alone was nice, especially since I was in my comfort space (at home, with my dogs and family) while working with my students but I would've wished to be onsite so I could physically interact with them.


If you love working with students and are trying to find a community here at UCLA - this is the job for you. There were times where I would feel down or overwhelmed as a counselor for over 200 students, but you are loved and supported by your supervisors and colleagues which made my entire experience much more satisfying.
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Undergraduate Researcher

June - August 2020 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I learned many technical and non-technical skills during this research that help to improve my knowledge and skills as an individual

What I wish was different


Keep on trying to connect with professors to ask for opportunities
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Undergraduate Researcher

June - September 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Great group

What I wish was different


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Volunteer Research Assistant

May - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I loved the opportunity to work at UCLA in the Semel Institute. They have so many resources for high powered research.

What I wish was different

I really loved it, I don't know if I would change anything.


Personal network is key!
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Computational and Quantitative Biology Research Intern

June - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I was able to contribute and do meaningful work that will be used in my mentor's ongoing project.

What I wish was different



Always network! The connections you make may in the future assist you along your journey.
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Research Project Manager

June - August 2018 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I loved my internship! It was a great experience in research and I had a support from all over. It gave valuable insight to doing research in an industry experience.

What I wish was different


Apply to everything! I applied to 8 internships last summer and got accepted to four of them. But in previous years I had only gotten one!
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Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

The workshop, my hardworking partner, my talented instructor, the beautiful campus, the great weather and the free house

What I wish was different

I wish the research period could be longer


I work over 80 hours every week with my partner , and I use only a summer to expert R language and successfully gain my first research experience. While someone didn't have much work done during the summer because they spent too much time on parties and other things. It is possible to make a miracle and it is also possible to miss a great opportunity. So please treasure every opportunity you gain!
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Undergraduate Researcher

June - August 2018 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I got to work on my own project and take it in the direction I felt was best.

What I wish was different

While I liked having freedom on the project, I didn't have much guidance at the beginning. Figuring things out on my own, while rewarding, took a good amount of time.


Don't be afraid to ask anyone in the lab questions, especially the grad students. Chances are they will have some valuable knowledge.
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SHPEP Scholar

June - August 2018 • UCLA, CA

What I liked

It was a great experience to the health science for students from underserved communities

What I wish was different

I wish there had been clinical experiences


I would highly recommend anyone eligible to apply
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Undergraduate Researcher

June - August 2018 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Everything was great. Mentor and PI were extremely helpful and inviting.

What I wish was different



Be proactive and have initiative to learn as much as possible.
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HR Intern

June - July 2018 • UCLA, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed the routine nature of the clerical aspects of the job.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more hours on the job during the week.


I would like to advise a person to be ready to sit in one spot for a while. Additionally create a rythm that helps you not focus on the time as well as gets your work done at a great pace.
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Research Fellow

May - August 2018 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I loved the freedom of my own project and the ability to reflect periodically with my mentor.

What I wish was different

The pay was difficult to manage due to the cost of living in LA.


Reach out to the people you know, and your contacts by proxy. You won’t know if you don’t put yourself out there:
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