United Airlines

Market and Community Innovation Intern

May - August 2023 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I liked the benefits and the projects I worked on.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more communication and attentiveness.


Make sure to continue to be in contact with your manager and reach out to receive tasks.
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Operations Manager

June 2022 • Denver, CO

What I liked

I love working for United. It is challenging and interesting. I enjoy working with everyone at United Airline in Denver.

What I wish was different

I only wish I didn't have to go through the long process of getting into the airport to go to my office. But it is worth it.


I was hired into a full-time salary position before graduating. You should apply to positions you are interested in even if you don't think you meet all the requirements yet. Employers are looking for talent and are willing to train employees into the positions they need filled.
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Industrial Engineering Intern

August - December 2021 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Good workload when assigned to projects, awesome travel benefits, and great leadership. Overall a really positive environment to be in. Very flexible with working remote, and lots of resources to learn from as an intern.

What I wish was different

Would have loved to have more projects and to be able to travel for work (not many trips due to COVID)


Make sure you take initiative and talk to people, as well as ask for help when you need it!
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Financial Planning and Analysis Intern

June - August 2021 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

This was a great experience. I worked on developing my analytical skills to forecast, predict, and analyze customer compensation for the company. The manager and team I worked with were very encouraging and helpful throughout my internship. I felt like a valued member of the team. I also enjoyed meeting my fellow interns, who were from across the U.S., and getting to know them and what interests them in the field.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship would have been in person. It was a remote experience due to continuing covid issues, but I did get to go into the Chicago office two days toward the end of the internship.


Network with your fellow interns and full time employees from different departments! They want to get to know you and hear the projects you are working on. It was really cool to hear what they do for the company as well and to know what other departments do.
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Digital Technology Intern

May - August 2021 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I loved the environment! Everyone was really kind and it felt like a family. Work was fun and the people were great. I loved how I was able to meet so many people from all areas and I learned a lot more, not only about the company, but also other career opportunities.

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to do more hands on work. Most of the time I felt like I didn't really have much to do and it got kind of upsetting.


Talk to as many people as possible! You never know what you can learn from others or what opportunities may lie ahead. By talking to people you let them know what you're interested in and it can potentially open doors for you.
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FP&A Intern

June - August 2021 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Travel, Good pay, good expeirence

What I wish was different

It was in person


Take advantage fo the travel
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June - July 2021 • Newark, NJ

What I liked

I enjoyed visiting parts of United which were closed to the public and got to meet amazing people

What I wish was different

I wish we had actual position rather than just customer greeting. Only one person had a position based on their major.


If you are into aviation , business and management United seems like an amazing place to work
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Airline Flight Attendant

November 2015 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

I liked visiting new places and experiencing different cultures.

What I wish was different

I wish the pay scale would be different. Flight attendants are not paid for boarding and deplaning.


Always be early!
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Digital Marketing Intern

January 2020 • Miami, FL

What I liked

The digital process

What I wish was different

The pace would’ve been slower


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Cost Accountant

July - September 2020 • Arizona City, AZ

What I liked

The culture

What I wish was different

More working weeks


New learning experience
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Financial Analyst

May - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Almost everything! I was a part of the Loyalty Finance team, and I was assigned meaningful work that can actually affect the company. Additionally, my manager and team were so welcoming and I felt comfortable going to work every day. As an intern, I was able to meet CFO Gerry Laderman a few times, CEO Oscar Munoz once, and a handful of senior leaders. I also visited the San Francisco Maintenance Base where I got a tour and up and close to a 787 Dreamliner. There were many community service events including the JPMorgan Corporate Challenge and helping train kids for the Special Olympics. My favorite part of United was the company culture. Because of the free, unlimited stand-by flight benefits, co-workers came to work on Fridays with suitcases and went directly to the airport after work. On Mondays, the first question I was always got asked was, "Where'd you go this weekend?" For me, my girlfriend and I traveled nearly 40,000 miles this summer, including to Hawaii twice (Maui & Kona), and Puerto Rico. Some of my intern friends went crazy and went to Argentina, Brazil, England, France, Taiwan, or Germany to name a few places. United even respected my values and sponsored me to attend the ALPFA Convention in Nashville (I'm President of ALPFA here at Rutgers New Brunswick and the club means a lot to me).

What I wish was different

More emphasis on the ERG groups and more work out in the field.


Don't have tunnel vision and be open to new opportunities. I got my internship at the 2018 ALPFA Convention in Las Vegas. On the last day of the Convention, there's a career fair where companies give interviews and positions on the spot. Me majoring in finance, many people push for Wall Street and working at places like Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, etc. in investment banking or sales & trading, so I went to all those companies' tables. But when I was done, there was still a lot of time to walk around the career fair. I saw United's table and in my head, I was like "Why not? I fly them a lot so let me go over." I went to their table, talked to the recruiter, he asked for my resume and other questions, and offered me an interview right there and then. I had the interview an hour later and the rest is history.
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Customer service

June - August 2019 • Newark, NJ

What I liked

The pay.

What I wish was different

The employers and the 3rd party that hired us was very unprofessional. Very disorganized and made me not want to work in an airport anymore.


To be honest, it wasn’t worth the struggles we went through with other United Agents, thinking we were coming to steal their jobs, so they treated us poorly.
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Digital Technology Intern

May - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

The travel benefits, variety of projects and opportunities

What I wish was different

Network, network! Always learn. Be an asset to the team.


Utilize the travel benefits and get all your deliverables in.
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United Summer Associate

June - August 2019 • Newark, NJ

What I liked

I liked that I was able to meet new people from different parts of the world, I liked that I got to expand my work ethics, and I liked that it was a great environment to work in.

What I wish was different


If you plan on interviewing for the internship, my advice would be to make sure that you get yourself noticed because a lot of the people that you will be working with at the airport could be potentially be the person that can hire you or refer you if you choose aviation as a career option for example
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Customer Service Delivery Intern

May - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I enjoyed working for such a large corporation and seeing all the parts come together to make the operation achievable. Meetings were really engaging and being able to talk to industry leaders was so beneficial. The experience of living in a different city was also a great eye-opener for me!

What I wish was different

I feel like having to deal with corporate bureaucracy was very difficult for me. Sometimes I felt as if I was doing a run-around in order to accomplish a singular task. But in the corporate environment that is normal and something that you have to learn to maneuver


Be prepared to learn! Always have your ears open and be ready to ask questions! Try your best to take on new projects whenever you have extra time! You should want to get your feet wet in every area of the company. Make yourself competitive and versatile.
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Digital Technology Intern

June - September 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I loved getting to learn so many different aspects of the company and getting to travel for free!

What I wish was different


As soon as you’re able to get an internship somewhere do it. It gives you so many real world applications and suddenly why you’ve been learning in school makes much more sense.
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Customer Service Representative Intern

June - July 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Helping customers and the customers being appreciative of my assistance.

What I wish was different

I wish our supervisors would've planned out how the internship was going to run more smoothly.


Be prepared to stand around ALOT.
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Digital Marketing Intern

August 2018 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

The work expirence and adding it to my resume

What I wish was different

I wish there was a clearer path of what employment opportunities would be offered after. They offered me a position but I turned it down


The more shots you shoot, the more targets you hit
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Customer Loyalty

May - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I loved the exciting projects in a highly-competitive, fast-pace industry. Located in Sears Tower in the heart of Chicago, the environment is exciting. Working for a company that transports millions of people a year was highly satisfying, and I felt like I made an impact.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time there!


Always be willing to take on new projects and try new things.
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Flight Operations Intern

May - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Had the opportunity to get an inside look at the company I hope to return to in the future. I got to expand my network which has proven to be invaluable so far.

What I wish was different


It's such a unique internship for pilots, and all you have to do is apply.
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