Booz Allen Hamilton Inc

Summer Games Intern

June - August 2021 • Washington, DC

What I liked

I loved how everything was team-based. Your project involves a group of 4 interns with 1-2 team leads from the firm. You are tasked with a problem at the beginning of the ten weeks and asked to solve it, create a slide deck, and present your solutions to executives at the firm.

What I wish was different

I wish we had more direction from our team leads at the beginning. We were told it is up to us what we want to do, how/when to meet, what direction to go in, etc. The team leads don't give you a lot to go off of and make it so that you have complete freedom to do whatever you want.


Make the most of it. Everyone at the firm is willing to speak with you if you are interested. Try to meet someone new every day or at least set up a networking call every week!
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June - August 2021 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Loved the format of the internship, how we were given a challenge and had the summer to figure out a solution, develop the business case, and present to Booz Allen leadership

What I wish was different


You really get to design/form your experience by determining what aspect of the project/challenge you want to work on!
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Summer Games Intern

June - August 2019 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

We were treated like actual employees and not as interns

What I wish was different

I wish I had been given more technical training in addition to business training


Apply early
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Summer Games Intern

June - August 2019 • McLean, VA

What I liked

I really enjoyed the opportunity to work in a collaborative environment with students of varying backgrounds. My team was assigned a really interesting problem to analyze and create an innovative solution for over the 10 week program. I really enjoyed working hands-on on a project that had real value and with real employees from the company.

What I wish was different

I understand the concept of the internship is that it is a competition, but I wish at the end of it, it was more of a showcase as opposed to only the top few teams competing. I think every team had created something unique and innovative and should have the ability to showcase their work to the larger group and other employees from the company. I also wish the expectations were made more clear at the beginning, from my experience it seemed as though they only valued those with technical skill, which not every participant had.


The internship experience, from what I have gathered from other participants of the internship, varies from team to team. Some team leaders were more hands on and had greater, more defined expectations. The internship will be what you make of it, spend the summer networking, not just working on the project!
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Business Finance Analyst

June 2018 • Jessup, MD

What I liked

Pay, people on my team

What I wish was different

My first year was not very structured, had to make own way


Meet as many people as possible
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ESG Intern

June - August 2019 • McLean, VA

What I liked

Passionate, innovative people. Amazing company culture. Collaborative environment.

What I wish was different

Wish interns worked together more, (All had separate projects) Wish the internship was longer. (Only 8-weeks when I did it)


Have interns work together more with less supervision.
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Summer Games Intern

June - August 2019 • Alexandria, VA

What I liked

Working with a team of fellow interns that I had not met before was a fantastic opportunity to grow collaboration skills. Beyond the actual work, exploring the various offices in the DC metro area and the company culture was a great experience.

What I wish was different


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Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2019 • Rockville, MD

What I liked

Python scripting to develop a user interface for an automation tool.

What I wish was different

Interaction with my teammates.


It is interesting to work with different people from different backgrounds. One thing I got out of the internship was the importance of a good team. If the team is not open and cooperative, it can be very challenging and resentment may grow towards team members. Be aware of cliques forming in a team environment and talk out with your manager to get some insight and feedback on what you can do to handle this situation.
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Summer Games Intern

June - August 2019 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

It showed you what it is like to be a consultant all the way through a project.

What I wish was different

I have no idea what the company does because you are given the project and not really showed what people in your field do on a daily basis.


Take initiative to network with people who are in positions that you possibly want to be in and see what they do.
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Summer Games Intern

June - August 2019 • Colorado Springs, CO

What I liked

Open ended project based internship where multidisciplinary Interns can collaborate towards an end goal

What I wish was different

Management did not have a clear vision for our project, and we struggled just defining it at some points


Go in ready to learn
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Summer Intern

June - August 2019 • Rockville, MD

What I liked

The people

What I wish was different

The program provided more opportunities for interns to network with one another


Incredible teamwork and real-world experience
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Data Science Intern

May - August 2019 • McLean, VA

What I liked

To be fully Candid, I loved the autonomy given to form one’s own project and attain the necessary skills to complete it.

What I wish was different

I have very little criticism and it’s mostly self directed. I wish I took advantage of the resources more.


Understand the scope of your summer games project well. Do not reinvent the wheel, your solution can be found my merging countless others.
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Digital Solutions Intern

June - August 2019 • McLean, VA

What I liked

I liked the structure of the internship program and how much exposure we got to real problems and projects that the company is working on.

What I wish was different

I wish we had more choice in picking our project topic.


Make sure you're open to learning and take advantage of the multitude of networking opportunities presented by the firm.
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Summer Games Consultant

June - August 2019 • Washington, DC

What I liked

I loved my experience at Booz Allen! The things I liked most were the project I was aligned to and the people that I met while I was there. I was aligned to a health project because of my specific interest in passion in health services. Since the company is so big there are so many opportunities across the firm so that you are not tethered to one account and you have the mobility to work cross-functionally. The internship gave me a 10 week taste of what working as a consultant would be like - my team and I were given a real life problem and a real client and had to come up with a solution by the time the summer was over. My team and I received help from so many different full time BAH employees, I truly have never felt a more supportive environment! I am very excited to go back.

What I wish was different

I wish that we had longer than 10 weeks to fully flush out the project we had. We were tasked with analyzing a data set for patterns of fraud, waste and abuse (FWA) in a DC Medicaid non-profit program. We had gotten the data 3 weeks in and did not have nearly as much time to get all that we wanted accomplished.


I would speak with as many people as possible while there and hear about the projects they are working on, why booz allen and any advice they have to give. Networking is super important!
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June - August 2019 • Omaha, NE

What I liked

Friendly atmosphere, hands on experience, good company

What I wish was different

More time, 10 weeks was good but I liked it so much I wanted more


Work hard from day one
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Geography research

May 2019 • Fayetteville, NC

What I liked

They gave me an opportunity to work in my field of study.

What I wish was different



Keep track of your time and be willing to step out your comfort zone. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, they won't let you fail.
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Cybersecurity Consulting Intern

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

It was a very hands on experience. Each team of 5 interns was given their own project for the summer, and we got to experience both soft and hard skills related to cybersecurity consulting.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been a bit more guidance throughout the summer. My bosses were often traveling for clients.


Ask a lot of questions, and if you don't have the resources you need ask for them early in the internship. We only got an AWS instance towards the end and weren't even able to use it.
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Summer Games Intern

June - August 2018 • Herndon, VA

What I liked

I enjoyed the experience of solving problems that can change the world and empower people to keep moving forward with change.

What I wish was different



Transparency is important, keep your managers updated with project milestones and ask for help when needed. The challenge leaders are there to help you grow!
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Summer Games Intern

June - August 2018 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

A very supportive learning environment with a heavy emphasis on collaboration. I had the opportunity to work on an intensive project with a team of interns and met with senior leadership on a regular basis. I really liked how the internship wasn't catered to a specific major and welcomed students from any background.

What I wish was different



Good speaking and presentation skills are almost essential to any job today. Being able to present your work in a confident, clear manner will go a long way.
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Management Consulting Intern

June - August 2018 • Washington, DC

What I liked

I liked working for a big government contractor and learning about all of the cool projects the firm has been part of. I also loved working downtown.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had been able to select my own project instead of having one assigned to me.


Always network. There are so many incredible and accomplished men and women within the firm and it's so valuable to learn from their experiences.
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