Staff/Clinical Pharmacist
Prepares, compounds and dispenses prescribed medication for patient care within the hospital as per established policies and procedures. Calculates and monitors drug doses for safe and effective therapy, especially as authorized by medical staff or individual physician instructions. Fully uses departmental and hospital processes and systems to insure correct distributive and clinical pharmaceutical care activities. Is able to maintain the pharmacy services for routine patient care activities in the absence of the department director, with independent decision-making performance for the immediate situations that arise during daily work situations. Supervises pharmacy technical personnel in their performance for the immediate situations that arise during daily work situations. Supervises pharmacy technical personnel in their performance of drug therapy preparations, with responsibility for double-checking those activities prior to distribution to patients. Maintains educational competency in progressive hospital pharmacy standards and with available resources, is able to provide drug information services to physicians, patients and other hospital personnel appropriate for accomplishment of the pharmacy mission to “insure effective drug therapy”. Pharmacist is aware and competent to manage therapy for all patient types, including pediatric, adults, and elderly.