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Tribal Affairs Liaison and Community Engagement Specialist

This position can be located in Sacramento or Riverside County.

The Office of Environmental Justice, Tribal Affairs, and Border Relations (OEJTB) is seeking an enthusiastic and motivated Tribal Affairs Liaison who will proactively engage and build relationships with Tribes statewide, respond to tribal inquiries, and advise CARB management and leadership on policy matters relating to tribal affairs. The Tribal Affairs Liaison will be responsible for coordinating tribal outreach, developing and implementing tribal engagement efforts, and coordinating critical outreach and capacity-building efforts for CARB. At the request of a Tribe, the Tribal Affairs Liaison will help facilitate government-to-government consultations or other meetings with CARB staff as appropriate. This position will involve collaboration with multiple entities, including but not limited to:

- California Native American Tribes throughout the State

- State, regional and local agencies, including air districts

- CARB staff, management, and executive leadership teams.


Under the supervision of the manager of OEJTB, the candidate will: update CARB’s Tribal Relations website and listserv to ensure Tribes are informed on upcoming and current CARB events, funding opportunities, policies, programs, and regulations; draft quarterly California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) Tribal Advisory Committee (TAC) reports and the annual CalEPA Tribal Activities Report and provide information transparently on CARB's website; coordinate with divisions on the CalEPA TAC agenda and staff presentations; lead monthly Division Tribal Coordinators meetings; update CARB's Tribal Consultation Policy as needed and coordinate with other state teams on their consultation and protocol updates, including CalEPA and other agency Boards, Departments, and Office heads (BDOs); attend important tribal meetings and events, including but not limited to the CalEPA TAC, CalEPA Tribal Liaison, Governor’s Office Tribal Liaison meetings, regional conferences, Native American Day, once a year meetings with the CalEPA TAC and other agency BDOs, etc; coordinate outreach with priority communities and Tribes via tours and listening sessions;  partner with CARB divisions, environmental justice communities, and tribes to engage them in the development of CARB policies, regulations, and procedures; support tribal updates for CARB's Environmental Justice blog and newsletter, as well as other agencies and organizations’ events, as it relates to environmental justice; fully prepare management and leadership for tribal-related meetings and support tribal updates for CARB upper management emails or other notifications that are distributed across the agency; and foster ongoing information sharing and capacity building, including through training, amongst staff and leadership to work with Tribes and improve government-to-government relationships.


The position will collaborate with multiple related and equity-focused CARB programs, including but not limited to the Assembly Bill (AB) 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee, the AB 617 Community Air Protection Program, including the AB 617 Community Air Grants Program, the light, medium, and heavy-duty vehicle incentive programs, California Climate Investments, the Innovative Clean Transit regulation, the Advance Clean Cars and Advanced Clean Fleets regulations, and other CARB programs.


This position requires some travel. A flexible work schedule may be needed to accommodate periodic travel on evenings and weekends.


You will find additional information about the job in the Duty Statement.


Working Conditions


The positions at the CARB may be eligible for telework with in-person attendance based on the operational needs of the position under Government Code 14200 for eligible applicants residing in California, subject to the candidate meeting telework eligibility criteria set forth in the CalEPA telework policy and/or future program need. Employees not residing in California are not eligible for telework. Regardless of hybrid telework eligibility, all employees may be required to report to the position’s designated headquarters location at their own expense, as indicated on their duty statement.


  • Position located in a high-rise building (Sacramento only)
  • Requires being in a stationary position, consistent with office work, for extended periods. 
  • Standard office environment (for example, artificial lighting, controlled temperature, etc.) 
  • Daily use of a personal computer, office equipment, and/or telephone.


  • Requires being in a stationary position, consistent with office work, for extended periods.
  • Standard office environment (for example, artificial lighting, controlled temperature, etc.)
  • Daily use of a personal computer, office equipment, and/or telephone.