Huntington Bank


May - August 2019 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

Everyone was welcoming and friendly-it was so easy to create relationships!

What I wish was different


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Finance Intern

May 2015 - August 2019 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

Great company - valued developing young talent

What I wish was different

Wish I would I would’ve received a return offer


People are willing to help you as long as you ask.
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Communication Intern

May - September 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I love the amount of opportunity there was to work across divisions, form deep connections with my department and network with other interns. They are really focused on the futures of our careers as interns and the company went out of its way to give us the tools we needed to grow.

What I wish was different


Say yes to things! My best experiences during the summer were when I volunteered for projects or took a risk and agreed to assist other people with their work. I was able to meet a lot more people that way and I worked on projects I really enjoyed. Saying "yes" made my summer better!
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Marketing operations intern

May 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I liked that the Huntington allowed interns to work on a project that would be beneficial to further the success of the company. With the top three projects being able to present in front the top executives and CEO of the company. They also give constructive feedback along the way to make sure that you as an individual are growing and learning.

What I wish was different

As someone who has been in their internship both years. I would’ve like more opportunities to be exposed to partners of the company.


Take advantage of all the network opportunities, and don’t be afraid to set up meeting with the executives while you are there. They are there to learn from and more than willing to. Also the CEO will usually make an appearance during a few and he is an amazing person to get to know.
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Digital Marketing Intern

May - August 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I very much enjoyed this internship experience and I really feel that I was able to expand my professional experience and had a great time doing that as well. One of the best parts about the internship was the companies openness for the interns to learn more and expand their knowledge outside of just the field that they were hired into. I was able to gain great experience and learn about others roles at the bank, and ask countless questions. This made Huntington a great place to intern for the summer and hopefully I will be able to join this great work environment in the future with a full time offer.

What I wish was different

There is not much that I would change with the process. But the one thing that I would change would be in the on-boarding process and the time leading up from the hire date to the orientation and first start date. During these couple of months it seemed like there was a little lack of information that was sent out to the incoming interns until pretty close to the start date itself. The majority of the first couple days of work were spent getting adjusted to the work environment as well as completing educational online courses. The suggestion that I would make would be during this time in between the hire date and the start date the courses that need to be completed are sent out to the incoming interns, asking them to complete before the first day. In this way it will give them a chance to know this information and have the ability to start work quicker when they actually get to the office. Overall, I think that this is a very small change in the grand scheme of things, and there is not much that I would change because I think the program ran really smooth overall.


If I was to share one piece of advice it would be to tell the other interns to speak and possibly shadow as many other portions of the bank that they can. In doing this when i was there over the summer it gave me great expose to the other segments of the bank and it really goes to show how all of the sections of the bank come together to make the whole company run as one cohesive unit. There was no people that I sent an email to during my time at the company over the summer, that refused to talk to me because I was just the intern. I think that this goes to show about the great work environment of the company and goes to show that everyone is willing to talk to the interns about what they do even though it might not be anything related to the field that you are working in.
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Capital Markets Intern

May - August 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I enjoyed how welcoming everyone at Huntington employees were toward their interns. This say a lot about their company culture.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more structure.


Meet with people and network whenever you have free time from sitting at your desk.
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Business Analyst Intern

May - August 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I liked how they treated me as an employee and not just an intern.

What I wish was different


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Process Specialist

May - August 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

They have a really great corporate culture and all of my co-workers and managers were great.

What I wish was different

I wish that I was given more projects to work on.


Reach out to higher ups and ask to meet them. Everyone was supper friendly and willing to answer questions.
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