Summer 2025 Internship in Probation/Parole Supervision, North Carolina Department of Adult Correction
Looking for an Internship in Probation/Parole Supervision? The Department of Adult Correction, Division of Community Supervision (DCS) wants you!
We have internship opportunities available in all counties in North Carolina JUDICIAL DIVISION IV!
Please apply only if able to intern in any of the locations listed below:
Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland, Gaston, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, Mcdowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga, Yancey.
The Division of Community Supervision (DCS) is responsible for the supervision of all adult offenders on probation, parole or post-release parole supervision and offenders who transfer to North Carolina from other states. Our mission is "to protect the safety of citizens in our communities throughout the state by providing viable alternatives and meaningful supervision to offenders placed in our custody. Our primary goal is to accomplish our mission by reaching an equal balance of control and treatment for offenders that will positively affect their behavior and lifestyle patterns.”
DCS has an exciting part-time PAID or UNPAID Internship opportunity beginning May 2025, for 10 weeks (minimum of 24 hours per week; 3 days/week). The DCS Intern will have opportunities to experience each of the following:
- Observe and assist with adult offender supervision in North Carolina
- Accompany Probation/Parole Officers in the field
- Assist with offender office appointments to include verifying employment, conducting criminal record checks and completing assessments
- Assist with the preparation of Probation Violation reports, Orders for Arrest and Modification Orders
- Assist with compiling reports on offender activity, court intake process
- Attend probation violation hearings in both district and superior court, observe and participate in discussion and review of cases between the assigned Probation/Parole Officer and the Chief Probation/Parole Officer
- Assist Probation/Parole Officer with daily management of administrative duties and correspondence
- Assist the Chief Probation/Parole Officer with any special assignments and will work with Office Assistants, Judicial Service Coordinators and other district staff to observe their jobs and functions
- Observe and assist with conducting investigations
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities / Competencies
- Basic to working knowledge of Probation and Parole
- Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with others; to handle confidential matters with tact and discretion; to express ideas clearly and concisely
- Ability to exercise good judgment in analyzing situations and making decisions within area of responsibility; able to learn and apply rules, procedures, and practices for various human resources management activities or personnel actions
Management Preferences:
Preference will be given to students whose college/university requires this internship for course credit or graduation.
Minimum Education and Experience Requirements
- Currently enrolled junior or senior level standing at an accredited college/university with a major in an accredited four-year degree in Criminal Justice, Correctional Services, Psychology, Social Work or other Human Services majors
- Applicant must carry a 2.5 GPA
- Currently enrolled graduate level standing at an accredited college/university with a major in Criminal Justice, Correctional Services, Psychology, Social Work or other Human Services majors
- Letter of recommendation from current college advisor. The letter should confirm GPA, that the applicant is attending school and is in good standing as a junior, senior, or graduate student. It must also state that the candidate is eligible for an internship (must be attached to application)
- Character reference letter from a supervisor, professor, or other person with whom the applicant has a professional relationship with (must be attached to application)
- Official/Unofficial Transcript (must be attached to application)
Please note:
- Prior to acceptance into the program, the successful applicant must pass a background check
- Applications submitted without the above attachments will be rejected as incomplete
- If you have ever been charged with a criminal offense, you will be required to provide certified and true copies of warrant(s) and judgment(s) for each offense as a condition of employment. This does not apply to minor traffic violations. Convictions do not necessarily exclude you from being hired. The offense and how recently you were convicted will be evaluated in relation to the position for which you are applying
Supplemental and Contact Information
Come Join Us to Make a Difference!
The Department of Adult Correction is one of the largest state agencies with more than 19,000 employees. It is responsible for safeguarding and preserving the lives and property of its citizens through prevention, protection, and preparation as well as the care, custody, and supervision of all adults sentenced after conviction for violating North Carolina laws. This department includes State Prisons with custody, healthcare, and facility operations staff as well as the division of Community Supervision. Other divisions include Administration, Compliance & Accreditation, Comprehensive Health Services, Internal Affairs & Intelligence Operations, Post-Release Supervision & Parole Commission, and Rehabilitation & Reentry.
The Division of Community Supervision (DCS) is responsible for overseeing supervision of adult offenders on probation, parole, or post-release. The DCS mission is to ensure public safety while helping offenders make positive changes and successfully complete their supervision. DCS collaborates closely with the NC Post-Release Supervision and Parole Commission, the court system as well as other state agencies, and community partners, particularly those addressing mental health, substance use, and re-entry issues faced by our returning citizens. DCS is also responsible for the supervision of offenders who transfer from other states through the Interstate Compact program and has oversight of the Community Service Work Program.
Community Supervision will provide equal employment opportunity to all applicants for the internship program without regard to race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, disability, political affiliation/influence or sexual orientation. All selection decisions shall be based solely on job-related criteria and comply with all federal and state employment laws, regulations and policies and will be consistently applied to promote fairness, diversity and integrity.
The NC Department of Adult Correction must adhere to the US Department of Justice Final Rule on the “National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape”. Click this link for information on hiring and promotion prohibition requirements for all positions in the NC Department of Adult Correction: PREA Hiring and Promotion Prohibitions (Download PDF reader).
- Applicants seeking Veteran's Preference must attach a DD-214 Member-4 Form (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) to their applications.
- Applicants seeking National Guard Preference must attach a NGB 23A (RPAS) if they are a current member of the NC National Guard in good standing. If a former member of the NC National Guard who served for at least 6 years and was discharged under honorable conditions, they must attach either a DD256 or NGB 22.
For questions specific to this posting, please contact Nicole Adjare Sandani at 919-324-1132 or